Hello and welcome to our latest blog post.
We are pleased you have come back to see our latest news!
A couple of months ago we released the first public details of our BIDA Navision BI Solution by releasing diagrams of the underlying data models for Sales and Party Profiles.
If you have not seen these White Papers then we recommend that view the blog posts for them on this site and retrieve them through the forms placed on the blog posts for this purpose.
As luck would have it, as we were completing our first US Project using the Meta5 DBA tool as the documentation tool for the models we implemented, we found out we can print images of data models in UHD using Meta5.
We did not know this when we created the prior version of the documentation.
So this blog post is to inform you that we have released an update to the data models previously presented to the public that are MUCH BETTER and you will surely want to get your updated copy of them!
If you would like to be sent an email with the latest updates to our documentation for our BIDA Navision BI Data Models then please just put your best email address in the form below.
You will be automatically emailed links to the documentation in both powerpoint and PDF formats.
Thank you again for dropping by our web site to read our latest news!