HD0006 – How Do I Set Up O365 Email For Meta5


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Hello and welcome!

Thank you for dropping by to watch our latest how two video for Meta5!

We are really pleased to see you drop by.

Today we are going to show you how to set up O 3 6 5 email for Meta5.

This is a very simple and easy thing to do, so we are sure you will understand it very quickly.


So let us go to the demo.

In the previous blog post you saw how to set up SMTP email in Meta5.

To set up O 3 6 5 email is almost exactly the same.

So we are not going to go through the same level of details, as in the previous blog post.

We are just going to show you what is different.

Meta5 only supports SMTP email.

So you have to configure Meta5 to use the SMTP interface to O 3 6 5.

This is done by using the address for the O 3 6 5 SMTP server in the SMTP server name parameter.

You will see that on the screen.

That is the main difference you need to be aware of to use O 3 6 5.

Then you set your from address to be as you wish.

You set your user name to be your email user name that O 3 6 5 will accept.

And you set your password to the password of your O 3 6 5 email address.

You must set the Enable S S L option to Yes.

If you do not set the Enable S S L option to Yes, then the email will not be sent successfully through O 3 6 5.

So now I will go across to a small capsule that is going to send the email.

When I open the envelope you can see that the email is addressed from peter to demo user at our email address on O 3 6 5.

Now, I will just run the capsule.

Now, I will go across to the web mail for demo user.

Now, you can see that the email arrived.

You can see that the attachment is with the email.

In this way it is possible to email reports to anyone who wishes to have reports emailed to them.

A good example of using email is this.

Perhaps a manager wants to be emailed a specific report if some important out of bounds situation occurs.

Meta5 can run capsules repeatedly, at very short intervals.

These capsules can check for out of bounds situations, even in production systems.

And if the out of bounds situation is found, Meta5 can send a small report in an email, to bring the situation to the managers notice, more quickly than simply putting a report on a one drive.

This is closer to an alert than just a report.

Meta5 can also send messages via S M S services for more urgent alerts.

This will be covered in a later video.

So, this video was short and simple.

This concludes our demonstration of how to set up O 3 6 5 email for Meta5.

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I wish you a good day!

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