HD0010 – How Do I Create A File Drawer On A Users Desktop


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Hello, and welcome!

Thank you for dropping by to watch our latest how two video for Meta5!

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Today we are going to show you how to create a new file drawer and put it on your desktop.

File drawers act like a filing cabinet in an office.

You have filing cabinets to store documents that all the people with the key to the filing cabinet have access to.

So a filing cabinet in Meta5 acts just like a filing cabinet in an office.

You can get access to the filing cabinet by having it placed on your desktop and being given a key to the filing cabinet.

So, Now let’s go to the demonstration.

The first thing you have to do is to log on to the system desktop using the system user I D and the system password.

Now, as you can see we are on the system desktop.

You can see a system disk and a data oh one disk.

We want to create the new file drawer on the data oh one disk.

So we open up the data oh one disk by double clicking on it.

Then you can see there is a file drawer for desktops.

And there is a file drawer for file draws.

When we open up the file drawers we see that there is a blank file drawer.

We click on the blank file drawer to highlight it.

Then we press F three to copy it.

Then we click in the window to drop it in to the file drawers file drawer.

Then we can click on the new file drawer.

Then we can press F four to option it.

Then we can enter a name for it.

We will call it Sample File Drawer for Demonstration.

Then you have to set the security of the file drawer.

As you can see there are many security options.

We are going to set it to be able to be viewed by anyone and changed by anyone.

Then we will secure the file drawer by only putting it on to the desktops of the user that we want to give access to.

Then we press apply in the header of the icon options.

Then we click icon options to close the icon options.

Then we open the desktops file drawer.

Then we open the guest desktop.

Then we scroll down on the guest desktop.

Then we can copy the Sample File Drawer for Demonstration.

Then we can drop it on the guest desktop.

It will not actually create a copy of the file drawer because file drawers can not be copied in Meta5.

It will make a link to the file drawer on the guest desktop.

Now the guest desktop can put objects in to the Sample File Drawer for Demonstration.

So you can organize all your Meta5 icons and documents this way.

They can all go in to file drawers and be made available to people who are approved to have access to them.

Now we will go to the guest desktop and log on.

We will get a message telling us that there are icons outside the view of the screen.

To be able to see the new File Drawer you may have to press alt on your keyboard and hold it down.

You might then need to go across to the star button on the bottom right hand corner and click on the star button.

Then go to the Refresh Display Option.

Then click on the Refresh Display Option.

Then the Sample File Drawer for Demonstration should be visible in your desktop.

Now we will open up the new file drawer.

We will click on the oh one Adventure Works folder.

We will press F three to copy it.

And we will click inside the file drawer.

Meta5 will now make a complete copy of the oh one Adventure Works folder in the file drawer.

In this way people can share content in file drawers in the Enterprise Version of the product.

Or people can put content in to their own file drawers if you are sharing the single user version of the product.

This concludes our demonstration of how to create a new file drawer and place it on to the desktop of a user.

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