HD0012 – How Do I Re-Create The Demographics Dashboard – 04


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Please note the script of the presentation is below so you can read along with the demonstration if you like.

Hello and welcome back to the next exciting installment of our Meta5 training videos.

I am very pleased to see you come back to watch the next portion of our video training.

I want to say thank you very much for evaluating Meta5.

I want to say thank you very much for your time and attention.

Thank you.

In the prior videos, you completed all the tasks necessary to prepare data, so that you can now create the actual dashboards you want to create in Excel.

In the following videos, you will finally be creating the dashboards.

Everything we have done so far, was to prepare the data for the dashboards .

It might have come as something of a surprise to you, that it takes so much effort, to prepare data, to be ready to present that data, on an Excel dashboard .

When you watch videos about the creation of Excel dashboards, the video generally starts with a statement similar to this.

Now that you have the data you need in Excel, you can build your dashboard.

Few people like to talk about how much time and effort it takes to get data into Excel, and prepare the formulas needed, and prepare the data series needed, to be able to create the charts.

We know how much time and effort that takes.

We are presenting you with Meta5, because we know Meta5 reduces that time and effort.

We have direct experience with meta5 doing this.

So, with that introduction complete.

We are on to the next step of the training.

Now, you need to create a new worksheet .

You will call it dashboard oh one .

You must make the height of row, 1, to be 6 units .

You must make the height of row , 2, to be 33 units.

You must set the width of column, A, to be, 20 units.

You should copy the BIDA logo, and the tick mark, from the existing demonstration spreadsheet, that you have on your desktop.

You must set the fill colors, for columns, C, 2, and, E, 2, as you see, on the video .

A shade of green is being used for revenue, and a shade of blue is being used for units .

You need to copy in the tick mark.

The heading will go from column, H, to, column, U .

Make the height of row 4, to be, 5 units.

You are going to have three slicers.

There will be a slicer for years.

There will be a slicer for months .

There will be a slicer for product category .

You will create a custom slicer formatting, for the slicers in this workbook .

This is to teach you how to create custom slicer formatting .

You must make sure you connect all slicers, to all pivot tables, in this dashboard.

Notice that the months are properly sorted, because we set the sort column in power pivot, to be by month in year .


You have completed the three slicers .

Now you shall start inserting the charts.

When you come to select data source, this is where you should use the names, from the name manager, we have provided for you, on the blog post .

It is just a little bit quicker, and easier, than typing in the worksheet name, putting in an exclamation mark, and pressing F 3 .

However, in the video, you will see me type the worksheet name manually .

Now, you have completed your first chart.

Now, click on the multi select for year, and then click on a year.

Your chart should respond to the slicer click .

One more thing you need to do.

You should round the corners of the chart, and put a border around the chart .


You have completed your first chart.

Creating charts is very easy when you have done the preparation work properly.

Now, you are going to do five more of these charts.

I would take this opportunity to remind you, that you should regularly save your work, by saving the spreadsheet, and closing Excel.

Meta five only saves the spreadsheet, in the meta 5 file system, when you close Excel, not when you press save in Excel .

And laugh out loud, you can guess how much work I lost to find that out .

So please save your work, exit Excel, and reopen the spreadsheet, regularly.

Now, we are going to place the next 5 charts on the dashboard.

So please follow along exactly as you see in the video.

We will not do commentary on the creation of these charts, because it is clear how to create them from the video.

Now, you have the six charts on your dashboard, as they appear in the video.

We will do a little formatting on the video, just to show you how that is done .

However, we believe you will already know how to format charts in Excel.

Now, we will demonstrate how the slicers make the charts interactive.

So, as we click on the slicers, watch the charts change.

Now, you should try the same on your dashboard.

Now, you have completed dashboard oh one.

You only have 6 more dashboards to go .

Laugh out loud.

This concludes this portion of the training.

I hope you liked it.

Thank you very much for listening.

I really appreciate your time and your attention.

I will see you back, in the next exciting installment, of using Meta5 to make building Excel dashboards, faster, better, and cheaper.


I wish you a good day.