Hello and welcome back to our latest How Do I… blog post.
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In this blog post we are going to show you how to add a new data disk pod.
Let us presume you want to add a new 10GB disk pod.
1. Go to the directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Meta5\exe\
Enter the command: fsinit "C:\ProgramData\Meta5\Pods" 10000 data01
The fsinit utility will create a subdirectory called “data01” in the above named directory and put the pod data files in that directory.
You should see something like this on your PC.
2. With Meta5 running on your desktop click on the Meta5 icon in the tray and select “Meta5 Starter Edition Configuration”
You should see this window.
3. In the text box “Server Drive Paths” the value set is "C:\ProgramData\Meta5\Pods\System".
We need to add the new pod to that list:
If you have an existing pod that you want to add then the process is the same at this step by adding the path of the pod directory to this text box (comma separated) at which point there is nothing else you need to do as the pod should come online when you start Meta5. For a new pod, more work is required.
4. Start Meta5 normally.
Then start a new command prompt and go to the directory: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Meta5\exe\
Run the following command:
m5cmd fscnsl
This command will open a File Service Console window.
Login as “system” with a password of “original” (it might prompt you to set the password the first time and then login).
Then issue the following commands.
Each pod has a unique “number” assigned to it with the “/#” switch.
The demo has “10” but you can use any legal number between 2 and (I think) 16.
The actual commands are in red and bold so that you can see the response you should expect.
Meta5 File Service Console
Version 4.3.5
Licensed Materials - Property of Meta5, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2000-2023 by Meta5, Inc. - All Rights Reserved
Username: system
Password: ********
Connecting to 'system' console...
Slot A1: Disk module "System, #1" is online
Size 11065MB: 10936 file descriptors (0%), 249257 data blocks (2%)
Slot A2: Disk module "data1, #10" is in undefined state
Slot A3: blank
Slot A4: blank
system>erase a2 /#:10
ERASING drive A2.
Drive number: 10.
Drive name: unchanged or set to default if new drive.
File descriptors share: unchanged or set to default if new drive.
Are you sure?
(Y/N)? y
[09:22:24] Slot A2: Erasing.
Disk space to be allocated to file descriptors: 25%
[09:22:24] Slot A2: remote operation is in progress.
[09:22:31] Slot A2: Offline.
online all
[09:22:37] Slot A2: Online.
[09:22:37] Slot A1: Already online.
[09:22:37] Slot A2: done.
Slot A1: Disk module "System, #1" is online
Size 11065MB: 10936 file descriptors (0%), 249259data blocks (2%)
Slot A2: Disk module "data1, #10" is online
Size 10245MB: 4 file descriptors (0%), 11 data blocks (0%)
Slot A3: blank
Slot A4: blank
5. You should now have an system desktop that looks like this.
We hope you found this How do I Presentation useful and informative.
With that I’d like to say thank you very much for reading this.
We really appreciate your time and attention.
I wish you a nice day.