Please note the script of the presentation is below so you can read along with the video if you like.
(Note. We have swapped my photo for the cartoon character. I hope you like it!)
Hello and welcome to our latest blog post.
I am really pleased you have come back to see our latest news!
I am pleased to bring you some news that I hope will interest you.
I am Mihai Neacsu and I am the business development manager here at BIDA.
We have some really big news for our readers.
We have been very busy on a number of fronts.
And one of those fronts is this.
We are building an end to end data warehouse for a client based on the Finacle Version 7 Core Banking System by Infosys / EdgeVerve.
This has been a major undertaking and will go along side our end to end data warehouse solution for Business Central.
To the best of our knowledge this is the largest ever product oriented data warehouse development undertaking, if you measure the number of fields being put into the data warehouse.
Today we are making a significant announcement for the installed users of Finacle Version 7.
If you have Finacle Version 7 installed?
This is very good news for you and your company.
So if you have Finacle Version 7 installed?
Please read on or listen on.
Introducing Renaming of Finacle Tables and Columns
I think it’s safe to say that no one will criticize me for saying that the naming standards of fields in Finacle Version 7 could stand some improvement.
It’s quite an old system that was created in the days of the 30 character name limit in Oracle.
But who would ever be crazy enough to attempt to provide better alias names for all the columns in Finacle?
That would be us.
We have now completed a process where we have provided aliases for all 56,000 fields in Finacle Version 7.
Of course, now that we have spent months and months doing this renaming of Finacle columns we have the capability to give any Finacle Version 7 installed account a create view script that will alias all your tables and columns.
This create view script will provide you with a significant cost reduction in development, maintenance and support of all internally written reports / queries against your Finacle operational system data models.
This is because the column names are more intuitive, easier to read, easier to remember, and easier to use.
By simply installing this suite of create view statements you can start to reduce the cost of all reporting development done directly against your Finacle Version 7 system.
But wait…there’s more.
One of the things we did was scan all the Finacle PDF Documentation available for the data models and put them into our customers dictionary.
The scanning was not perfect, but it’s much better than reading PDFs.
This means that we can give you Excel based, searchable, documentation for Finacle Version 7.
I can assure you this is much better than reading the PDF manuals.
If you will excuse the obvious marketing line…
But wait…there’s more!
We are offering this create view script, plus the documentation that we have created ourselves from the PDF documentation, to any proven installed Finacle Version 7 account…
Yes, you heard that correctly.
We will give you the benefit of the hundreds of hours of effort of our team in renaming 56,000 fields inside Finacle Version 7, for free.
In turn, this create view script will save you hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of developer time over the coming years.
Of course, we have done all this work under a Non Disclosure Agreement.
A part of our purpose is to make life easier and better for Finacle installed accounts.
We are working with InfoSys and we are co-operating with InfoSys.
So to take advantage of this great offer?
All we need from you is a scanned copy of the Non Disclosure Agreement your bank signed with Infosys for Finacle Documentation, and a copy of your personal Non Disclosure Agreement that binds you to the Infosys Non Disclosure Agreement.
If that is included in your employment contract then an email to that effect from HR would be fine too.
Once we have confirmed that you are covered by a legally binding Non Disclosure Agreement we can send you the Oracle script and the associated documentation.
Below is a picture showing an example of the documentation we have generated based on our work.
You can click on the image to get the full size to be more readable.
This is the loan account master table.
Everyone who has Finacle installed knows this table.
The columns are self explanatory for the most part.
You can see Column Name and New Column Name.
You can see that the Finacle Column Name has an alias that is more readable and more understandable.
And yes, we really do mean we renamed all the fields that did not have good names in our opinion. All 55,000 of them. About 1,000 fields we left without a new name.
On the left hand side of the report you see two columns that I would like to explain.
The Stage Table column is the name of the table in our data warehouse staging area.
This name can not be changed.
The next column is of interest to you.
This is the Stage View name.
If you want to create new view names for your Finacle renaming process, then you can just fill in new names in this field of an excel input workbook and that will be the new name of the view over the top of your Finacle tables.
So you have the ability to not only use the default view names we provide in our script.
You have the option of creating a new set of view names to make your set of views that much easier to use for all your developers.
Below we have provided you with a couple of examples of the create view scripts just so you can see we are serious about this free offer.
You can see that the default is to simply prefix the table in question with a “v” for “view”.
You can create any view name alias you want.
We sincerely hope that you will take advantage of this free offer.
The guys who did the whole renaming process would love to see their work put to good use!
You can contact me on our “Contact Us” button below.
And with that?
I would like to say thank you very much for reading or listening to our blog post today.
I really appreciate your time and attention.
We hope you found this blog post interesting and informative.
We would love to hear your comments, so please feel free to use the comments section below.
I wish you a great day.
Thank you.
Mihai Neacsu
BIDA Business Development Manager.
Example Create View Scripts
Please note that wordpress removes the multiple blanks between the column name and the alias for the view.
The real code is a little more readable.
Of course it is generated from our dictionary.
These examples make it clear that we have done our best to give better names to every Finacle column.
Of course, if you do not like our names you can always start with our renaming and update the aliases in any way you like!
create view tbaadm.vacct_entry_table as select
sol_id pk_service_outlet_num
,bank_id pk_bank_unique_num
,bill_id pk_bill_unique_num
,tran_id pk_transaction_num
,part_tran_srl_num pk_part_transaction_serial_unique_num
,entity_cre_flg row_verified_flag
,del_flg row_deleted_flag
,ref_code bill_reference_code
,tran_date transaction_date
,bill_func bill_function_code
,dtd_ind mass_bill_consolidation_flag
,tran_type bill_transaction_type_code
,tran_sub_type bill_transaction_sub_type_code
,part_tran_type part_transaction_type_code
,acid general_bank_acct_num
,tran_amt bill_transaction_amt
,value_date transaction_value_date
,rpt_code bill_report_code
,ref_num part_transaction_reference_unique_num
,instrmnt_type bill_transaction_instrument_type_code
,instrmnt_date bill_transaction_instrument_date
,instrmnt_num bill_transaction_instrument_unique_num
,instrmnt_alpha instrument_alphabetical_identification_type_code
,tran_particular bill_transaction_comments_ldesc_01
,tran_rmks bill_transaction_comments_ldesc_02
,prnt_advc_ind transaction_print_advice_code
,restrict_modify_ind transaction_values_modification_restriction_code
,voucher_prnt_flg bill_transaction_voucher_print_flag
,module_id banking_system_module_code
,br_code branch_num
,lchg_user_id last_change_userid
,lchg_time last_change_tstamp
,rcre_user_id create_userid
,rcre_time create_tstamp
,consolidation_ind bill_transaction_consolidation_code
,ptran_ref_ind bill_transaction_partial_reference_code
,ref_tran_id reference_transaction_num
,ref_tran_date reference_transaction_date
,ref_part_tran_srl_num reference_partial_transaction_serial_unique_num
,ref_oclg_zone_code reference_outward_clearing_zone_code
,ref_oclg_zone_date reference_outward_clearing_zone_date
,ref_oclg_set_num reference_outward_clearing_set_unique_num
,ref_oclg_part_tran_srl_num reference_outward_clearing_serial_unique_num
,navigation_flg originating_responding_navigation_code
,bank_code bank_num
,ts_cnt row_modified_counter
,ref_oclg_sol_id reference_outward_clearing_service_outlet_num
,gl_date bill_transaction_general_ledger_date
from tbaadm.acct_entry_table
create view tbaadm.vcollection_gen_maint_tbl as select
sol_id pk_service_outlet_num
,bank_id pk_bank_unique_num
,collection_id pk_collection_serial_unique_num
,collection_code collection_code
,collection_crncy collection_iso_currency_code
,collection_b2k_id collection_b2k_event_num
,cif_id customer_unique_num
,oper_acid operative_bank_acct_num
,oper_charge_acid operative_charge_bank_acct_num
,collection_amt collection_amt
,collection_cntry_code collection_country_code
,grace_perd collection_grace_period_days_num
,lodg_date collection_lodgement_date
,due_date collection_due_date
,delink_date collection_delink_date
,corr_coll_bank_code correspondent_collection_bank_num
,corr_coll_br_code correspondent_collection_branch_num
,corr_bank_name correspondent_bank_name
,corr_bank_addr1 correspondent_bank_swift_address_line_01
,corr_bank_addr2 correspondent_bank_swift_address_line_02
,corr_bank_addr3 correspondent_bank_swift_address_line_03
,corr_bank_cntry_code correspondent_bank_country_code
,collection_status collection_status_code
,tran_sol_id transaction_service_outlet_num
,current_func_code current_bill_function_code
,collection_liab collection_liability_amt
,collection_liab_crncy collection_liability_iso_currency_code
,cls_flg collection_closure_flag
,cls_date collection_closure_date
,free_code_1 user_defined_code_01
,free_code_2 user_defined_code_02
,free_code_3 user_defined_code_03
,cont_cr_liab_acid contingent_credit_liability_bank_acct_num
,cont_dr_liab_acid contingent_debit_liability_bank_acct_num
,cont_rate_code contingent_rate_code
,cont_rate contingent_rate_percentage
,cont_crncy contingent_transactions_exchange_iso_currency_code
,cont_liab_amt contingent_liability_amt
,reminder_num_sent reminders_sent_num
,next_reminder_date next_reminder_scheduled_date
,last_reminder_sent_date last_reminder_sent_date
,date_of_remit commission_remitance_date
,bef_rpt_srl_num bef_report_serial_unique_num
,bef_rpt_date bef_report_date
,remit_amt_in_hc home_currency_remittance_amt
,entity_cre_flg row_verified_flag
,del_flg row_deleted_flag
,rcre_user_id create_userid
,rcre_time create_tstamp
,lchg_user_id last_change_userid
,lchg_time last_change_tstamp
,ts_cnt row_modified_counter
,party_name remittance_lodged_party_name
,party_addr1 remittance_lodged_party_address_line_01
,party_addr2 remittance_lodged_party_address_line_02
,party_addr3 remittance_lodged_party_address_line_03
,party_city_code remittance_lodged_party_address_city_code
,party_state_code remittance_lodged_party_address_state_code
,party_cntry_code remittance_lodged_party_country_code
,party_pin_code remittance_lodged_party_address_pin_code
,purpose_of_rem purpose_of_remittance_code
,passport_det party_passport_details_ldesc
,tc_amt travelers_checks_issued_amt
,crncy_amt issued_currency_amt
,cntry_of_visit visit_country_code
,corr_bank_city_code correspondent_bank_address_city_code
,corr_bank_state_code correspondent_address_state_code
,corr_bank_pin_code correspondent_address_pin_code
,nostro_acct_num nostro_bank_acct_num
,other_cif_id other_party_customer_unique_num
,other_party_name other_party_name
,other_party_addr_1 other_party_address_line_01
,other_party_addr_2 other_party_address_line_02
,other_party_addr_3 other_party_address_line_03
,other_party_city_code other_party_address_city_code
,other_party_state_code other_party_address_state_code
,other_party_cntry_code other_party_country_code
,other_party_pin_code other_party_address_pin_code
,ps_ind purchase_sale_flag
,transit_perd collection_transit_period
,encash_cert_det encashment_certificate_ldesc
,cdf_details currency_declaration_form_ldesc
,dclrd_eefc_amt declared_export_earnings_foreign_currency_amt
,eefc_acid export_earnings_foreign_currency_bank_acct_num
,eefc_amt export_earnings_foreign_currency_amt
,cum_eefc_amt cumulative_export_earnings_foreign_currency_amt
,ref_collection_id reference_remittance_collection_serial_unique_num
,bp_liab remittance_purchase_liability_amt
,bp_liab_crncy remittance_purchase_liability_iso_currency_code
,collection_liab_hc_eq remittance_purchase_liability_home_currency_amt
,bp_limit_b2kid remittance_purchase_limit_b2k_event_num
,bp_dlnk_limit_b2kid remittance_purchase_delink_limit_b2k_event_num
,invt_class inventory_location_class_code
,fc_int_conv_rate bill_liability_to_interest_conversion_rate_percentage
,fc_int_conv_rate_code bill_liability_to_interest_exchange_rate_code
,int_on_liab_flg calculate_interest_on_liability_code
,int_calc_crncy_code interest_calculation_iso_currency_code
,rear_end_int_flg calculate_interest_after_purchase_flag
,int_peg_flg peg_calculated_interest_flag
,peg_frequency_in_months peg_frequency_interest_months_num
,fb_ref_num foreign_bank_serial_unique_num
,ref_date foreign_bank_serial_unique_num_assigned_date
,peg_frequency_in_days peg_frequency_interest_days_num
,paysys_id payment_system_unique_num
,benef_coll_bank_code beneficiary_collection_bank_num
,benef_coll_br_code beneficiary_collection_br_code
,benef_bank_name beneficiary_bank_name
,benef_bank_addr1 beneficiary_bank_address_line_01
,benef_bank_addr2 beneficiary_bank_address_line_02
,benef_bank_addr3 beneficiary_bank_address_line_03
,benef_bank_cntry_code beneficiary_bank_country_code
,benef_bank_city_code beneficiary_bank_address_city_code
,benef_bank_state_code beneficiary_bank_address_state_code
,benef_bank_pin_code beneficiary_bank_address_pin_code
,dd_print_count demand_draft_printed_num
,last_dd_printed_date last_demand_draft_printed_date
,against_import_export inward_remittance_advance_against_export_flag
,intermediary_trade intermediary_trade_country_flag
,rbi_permit_det rbi_permit_comments_ldesc
,drawee_centre_code drawee_centre_code
,drawee_code drawee_code
,notl_conv_rate notional_conversion_rate_percentage
,notl_conv_rate_code notional_conversion_rate_code
,fircr_print_cnt foreign_inward_remittance_certificate_printed_num
,first_fircr_print_date first_foreign_inward_remittance_certificate_print_date
,last_fircr_print_date last_foreign_inward_remittance_certificate_print_date
,free_field user_defined_ldesc_01
,acct_num general_maintenance_bank_acct_num
,corr_coll_bic correspondent_collection_bank_identifer_code
,benef_coll_bic beneficiary_collection_bank_identifer_code
from tbaadm.collection_gen_maint_tbl
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