How Do I...

HD0015 – How Do I Add A New Data Disk Pod

In this How Do I blog post we show you how to add a new data disk pod.

HD0014 – How Do I Run PowerShell Commands In Meta5

In this How Do I Video we show you how to run a PowerShell command from inside a Meta 5 capsule.

HD0013 – How Do I Query Multi Level Dimensional Models

In this blog post we demonstrate how to query a multi-dimensional data model using Meta5.

HD0012 – How Do I Re-Create The Demographics Dashboard – 05

In this blog post we will take you through part 05 of re-recreating the example demographics dashboard we have released to the public.

HD0012 – How Do I Re-Create The Demographics Dashboard – 04

In this blog post we will take you through part 04 of re-recreating the example demographics dashboard we have released to the public.

HD0012 – How Do I Re-Create The Demographics Dashboard – 03

In this blog post we will take you through part 03 of re-recreating the example demographics dashboard we have released to the public.

HD0012 – How Do I Re-Create The Demographics Dashboard – 02

In this blog post we will take you through part 02 of re-recreating the example demographics dashboard we have released to the public.

HD0012 – How Do I Re-Create The Demographics Dashboard – 01

In this blog post we will take you through part 01 of re-recreating the example demographics dashboard we have released to the public.

HD0011 – How Do I Re-Create The Adventure Works Demo Dashboard – 03

In this blog post we will take you through part 03 of re-recreating the example Adventure Works dashboard we have released to the public.

HD0011 – How Do I Re-Create The Adventure Works Demo Dashboard – 02

In this blog post we will take you through part 02 of re-recreating the example Adventure Works dashboard we have released to the public.

HD0011 – How Do I Re-Create The Adventure Works Demo Dashboard – 01

In this blog post we will take you through part 01 of re-recreating the example Adventure Works dashboard we have released to the public.

HD0010 – How Do I Create A File Drawer On A Users Desktop

In this blog post we teach you how to create a new file drawer on a users desktop in Meta5.

HD0009 – How Do I Create Excel Power Pivot Tables

In this video we show you how to create power pivot tables in Excel from data retrieved by the Meta5 query tool.

HD0008 – How Do I Create Excel Headers

In this video we show you how to create Excel Headers based on the column names returned by the meta5 query icon.

HD0007 – How Do I Set Character Field Lengths In the WTDD

In this blog post we will show you how to simply and easily set the length of character fields in the WTDD to the maximum length of actual data in the character field.

HD0006 – How Do I Set Up O365 Email For Meta5

In this blog post we show you how do I set up O365 email for meta5.

HD0005 – How Do I Set Up SMTP Email For Meta5

In this blog post we should you how do I set up SMTP email for meta5.

HD0004 – How Do I Copy Objects Between Windows And Meta5

In this blog post we demonstrate how to copy objects between windows and Meta5.

HD0003 – How Do I Know What Data Is Available To Me?

In this blog post we will answer your question how do I know what data is available to me in Meta5?

HD0002 – How Do I Install The Microsoft Meta5 Demonstrations

In this video we will demonstration how to install the Microsoft Meta5 demonstrations.

HD0001 – How Do I Create An ODBC Connection For Meta5?

In this blog post we teach you how to create an ODBC connection for Meta5.

HD0000 – Welcome To Our How Do I Video Series

In this blog post we welcome you to our new "How Do I..." video series.