What Is BIDA?

Although we have invented the name “BIDA” as our company name, “BIDA” is much more than just our company name.

“BIDA” is an idea.

And nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.

BIDA is to Business Intelligence as “Google” is to search.

We propose the idea that to BIDA will become a verb to business data like to google has become a verb to search the web.

You “google” a search term or a topic.

In the future you will BIDA your data.

To BIDA your data will be to prepare, organise, query, search and analyse your data to make decisions that will generate more profit for your company.

When you have acquired a new data source for your company? You will BIDA that data to make it usable for your analysts.

When you have a problem in your business? You will BIDA the problem to solve it.

Like “Nike” has come to mean “just do it”?

BIDA will come to mean “analyse that data for the purpose of improving profit”.

One day people will say “just BIDA it”.

The meaning of what is desired will be taken from the context of the statement similar to “just google it” is used instead of “search for it” or “do some inquires in to the topic”.

BIDA will contain tools, techniques, products and services, all meshed in to one seamless service offering with world class skills to deliver what is ultimately the purpose of your business.

To improve the long term profitability of your company in a sustainable fashion.


We are world class experts in Business Intelligence. We have worked in projects all over the world since our humble beginnings in our small office in Bucharest.

You know what our customers don’t want?

When they are trying to solve a business problem they don’t want an endless stream of technical babble about databases, ETL, query tools, dashboards and hardware.

That is what YOU DON’T WANT!

What YOU WANT is simple, fast, efficient, effective, end to end service that solves YOUR PROBLEMS and helps YOU make more profit for YOUR company.

Everything else is just “noise”.

That is “BIDA”.

BIDA is a simple, fast, efficient, effective, end to end service that solves YOUR PROBLEMS and helps YOU make more profit for YOUR company.

We will solve your problems for you so you can do what you do best.

Make decisions about how to improve the profit of your business based on hard facts and data that we are able to present to you in the most consumable possible form.

We will solve your problems for you using our world class skills and the most appropriate tools so that you can get on with your important work.

That is “BIDA”.

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